Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Still More on taking photo's

I also went down to the Little Miami river bottoms area.  I remembered a covered bridge that I thought would make a good shot, simply because you dont see those very often.  While I was there I found lots of other shots of the river that were interesting because of the contrast between the water, trees and the snow.  While I was driving i saw what I thought was a bald eagle in the middle of a large field.  I stopped and rolled down the window. It was a Bald Eagle in southwest ohio.  I was very shocked to see that.  I got out and tried to get closer to the bird since I was only using a point and shoot digital and couldnt get too close to it.  I tried, then I tried to clean up the images.  I will post those here and on the face book page too. 
Taking these photo's was very interesting and fun.  I had forgotten how much I enjoy going out and just shooting. 

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