Friday, January 28, 2011

Video of Meaningful Photo's

Here is the video from the meaningful photo shoot.  I had almost as much fun putting together the video as I did taking the pics.  I chose the music because wonderful world describes what is around us all the time and all we have to do is open our eyes to see it.  I truly believe that looking thru a camera lens is a way to capture that beauty and preserve it for others to see.  I also think that being able to capture a moment on film is a gift.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Edited Photo's from Meaningful Photo Shoot

I was too far away from the Eagle to get a clear shot.  When I tried to get closer, he flew away.

Original Photo's from Meaningful Photo Shoot

Still More on taking photo's

I also went down to the Little Miami river bottoms area.  I remembered a covered bridge that I thought would make a good shot, simply because you dont see those very often.  While I was there I found lots of other shots of the river that were interesting because of the contrast between the water, trees and the snow.  While I was driving i saw what I thought was a bald eagle in the middle of a large field.  I stopped and rolled down the window. It was a Bald Eagle in southwest ohio.  I was very shocked to see that.  I got out and tried to get closer to the bird since I was only using a point and shoot digital and couldnt get too close to it.  I tried, then I tried to clean up the images.  I will post those here and on the face book page too. 
Taking these photo's was very interesting and fun.  I had forgotten how much I enjoy going out and just shooting. 

More on Taking the Photo's

Going to the cemetery was interesting.  It brought to light who the founders of Lebanon were and what kind of families they had.  it was interesting seeing how many children they had and how old they were.  What shocked me, but shouldnt have, was how many  young children died and how many were born into the families.  It was interesting that I found so few crosses in a town full of churches.  I found only 2 headstones that were a cross.  Where I grew up there were many crosses as headstones.  I thought that I would find the same here, I was wrong.  Back home it is common to see Celtic crosses, star of David, and other religious symbols on the stones.  Here there were many obelisk's, statues, and simple arched stones.  I was also shocked at how many were knocked over or broken.  I guess where I grew up people were more respectful of the dead.

Taking the Photo's

The assignment of taking a meaningful photo was something I thought would be difficult if not impossible to find.  All the things I thought about were from back home.  I decided to choose a place that was meaningful to me instead.  I thought that choosing a place, cemetery, regardless of where it was, would make taking the photo's easier. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Please Feed the Fish

If you click on the fish area you can feed them.  They are hungry, please help out :)

Fish Moved

So I moved the fish... liked it better cuz its easier to play with

My Layout

I added a fish gadget to the bottom.  If you put your mouse over it the fish will swim to it.  I thought it was cool.  Plus, the fish are relaxing.