Friday, February 25, 2011

Bridges for Photography

Doing our photo project made me think about what makes a good photo and how to capture that.  I think that the most important piece of advice I got out of all the reading is to "just shoot what feels right".  Getting out with a camera and just taking pics is what makes you a better photographer, because as you take more pics you start noticing how the light hits things and what composition of items are in the background and how they play into what the image means.  Also, when taking pics most people take pics that they want to remember, so the meaning is there for them, the difficulty is making the meaning come alive for another person.  We all remember going to a friends house and looking at their vacation pics.  BORING!!!!! We werent there so there is little meaning in their photo's for us, now if their photo's were to be more compelling (interestingly composed) we as a viewer might be more interested in looking at them longer.  I think that people need to take time to compose their shots, and most dont.  when it comes to my class project in photography I need to make that more clear.  That they just need to take pics of what feels right and try to make the pic interesting to more people than just themselves.  They can use editing or shot composition to do this but the photo should be more artistic.  Now how to do a project for this at school with limited cameras and limited time...

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